[국내] 2024년 여름철 기후특성 [해외] Vicious circle of climate change, wildfires and air pollution has major impacts [논문] Enhanced aqueous formation and neutralization of fine atmospheric particles driven by extreme cold
[국내] 정수기 원리로 탄소 포집 효율 50% 이상 달성 [해외] State of the Climate in 2023 [논문] Glacier-preserved Tibetan Plateau viral community probably linked to warm?cold climate variations
[국내] 농촌진흥청 생산 ‘기후변화 시나리오’ 이달부터 전면 공개 [해외] Climate change transforms Pacific Islands [논문] Climate policies that achieved major emission reductions: Global evidence from two decades
[국내] 고수온에 늦어지는 김 채묘… 기후변화가 몰고 온 밥상 물가 상승 [해외] Earth just had its warmest July on record [논문] Feasibility of peak temperature targets in light of institutional constraints
[국내] 아시아 기후 적응성 채소 품종 개발, 토마토·고추 자급률 껑충 [해외] Analysis: Climate change is increasing dangerous nighttime temperatures across the globe [논문] Feasibility of keeping Mars warm with nanoparticles
[국내] “전기차가 미세먼지 늘린다”…타이어 마모도 대책 마련 시급 [해외] Deadly Mediterranean heatwave would not have occurred without human induced climate change [논문] Projected rapid response of stratospheric temperature to stringent climate mitigation
[국내] 탄녹위-금융연, 탄소중립을 위한 금융의 역할 강화 방안 모색 [해외] Global electricity demand set to rise strongly this year and next, reflecting its expanding role in energy systems around the world [논문] The enduring world forest carbon sink
[국내] 뜨거워지는 바다…육지로 올라오는 김 양식장 [해외] WMO Bulletin spotlights hazards and impacts of sand and dust storms [논문] Stratospheric air intrusions promote global-scale new particle formation
[국내] "2030년대 폭염 일상화 '뉴 노멀'…온실가스 줄이면 10년 늦춰" [해외] 83% of world’s cities report significant climate hazards [논문] Nitrate pollution deterioration in winter driven by surface ozone increase
[국내] 국내 최초 초소형 온실가스 관측 군집 위성, 본격 개발 추진 [해외] Air freight greenhouse gas emissions up 25% since 2019, analysis finds [논문] Public perceptions on solar geoengineering from focus groups in 22 countries