[국내] 북미 지역 '요리 매연' 국내 기술로 저감 [해외] State of Climate Services report showcased at COP29 [논문] Glaciation of liquid clouds, snowfall, and reduced cloud cover at industrial aerosol hot spots
[국내] 천리안 환경위성으로 산출한 지상 미세먼지 추정농도값 공개 [해외] Carbon Inequality Kills [논문] Global potential for natural regeneration in deforested tropical regions
[국내] 「기후변화감시예측법」 10월 25일 시행 [해외] Greenhouse gas concentrations surge again to new record in 2023 [논문] Climate justice beliefs related to climate action and policy support around the world
[국내] 10년 유기농업 “토양 건강 좋아지고 탄소저장 능력 늘어” [해외] Guest post: How to minimise the risks from overshooting the 1.5C limit [논문] Selective breeding enhances coral heat tolerance to marine heatwaves
[국내] 경기도 초미세먼지 농도 2019년부터 감소 추세…오존은 증가세 [해외] Natural gas demand growth picks up in 2024 amid uncertainties over supply [논문] Fire weakens land carbon sinks before 1.5?°C
[국내] 영구동토층 녹으면 북극 산불 급증한다 [해외] Governments have unleashed a wave of clean energy policies to benefit from the new energy economy [논문] Forest fire size amplifies postfire land surface warming
[국내] 지구온난화 주범 이산화탄소, 바다에 녹여 제거한다 [해외] Risky Summer Heat Added by Climate Change [논문] Observation-constrained projections reveal longer-than-expected dry spells
[국내] 2024년 여름철 기후특성 [해외] Vicious circle of climate change, wildfires and air pollution has major impacts [논문] Enhanced aqueous formation and neutralization of fine atmospheric particles driven by extreme cold
[국내] 정수기 원리로 탄소 포집 효율 50% 이상 달성 [해외] State of the Climate in 2023 [논문] Glacier-preserved Tibetan Plateau viral community probably linked to warm?cold climate variations
[국내] 농촌진흥청 생산 ‘기후변화 시나리오’ 이달부터 전면 공개 [해외] Climate change transforms Pacific Islands [논문] Climate policies that achieved major emission reductions: Global evidence from two decades